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Why is Cartouche London trading on Amazon?

Rewind to February 2020. Cartouche was preparing display graphics, presentations booklets and delegate packs for the Scottish and Northern Powerhouse investment conferences. J P Morgan, Legg Mason*, Liontrust and Polar Capital were addressing delegates that included professional investors, pension managers and financial advisers. These events went ahead unhindered by the events about to unfold. Unfortunately, merchandise dispatched for a conference in Milan arrived 8th March (the day Lombardy wa...

July 27, 2021

Case Study - Making Holiday Experiences Desirable and Easy to Book


May 21, 2021

Rewarding Achievement Above and Beyond the Call of Duty


April 12, 2021

Season's Greetings


December 24, 2020

Visitors welcome!


November 1, 2020

Arte italiana moderna a Canonbury - cycling dilettantes welcome!

The Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art re-opened recently and has extended Tullio Crali: A Futurist Life until the end of August. Following Government guidance, safety measures including online booking, timed entry slots and direction markers provide for visitors to experience a more relaxed viewing environment. Having worked with the team to produce irresistible art catalogues for many years Cartouche has a keen interest in the Estorick' s success. During lockdown Museum Director, Robert...

July 10, 2020

You're Fired!

"Call yourself a salesman, these figures are dismal!" Snarled Lord Sugar "You're fired." I wake in a cold sweat and stir myself to the comforting tones of the morning presenter "Here's question one of the day" ...”If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven't got me. What am I?” Lockdown is challenging. Household chores, childcare, forays to the supermarket, exercise and WFH. Well I say working from home! The trickle of print jobs has all but dried up. No surprise ther...

May 12, 2020 Posts 1-7 of 7 | Page

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